How to Thrive

"To live is the rarest thing in the world. Most people exist, that is all."Oscar Wilde


For some reason, I’ve always really loved the word “thrive.”  I guess it just feels like something I continually want to aspire to. 

But, what does it mean to thrive?

Looking up the word thrive in the dictionary the first definition is: to grow vigorously (to flourish).  I totally love this as it reminds me of a very healthy houseplant that just keeps heading toward the light!  That’s exactly how I want to feel!

Last year I was talking with some coworkers about the concept of thriving and someone asked me directly if I felt like I was thriving in my life.  My heart stopped for a minute before I answered honestly that no, I definitely was not.  But, this moment was part of the many small hints that when taken together added up to my decision to leave my job. 

I started regularly asking myself a key question, “If I’m not thriving now, what do I need to do so that I will be in one year?”  Repeatedly asking this has provided me with some guideposts for decision making as I move forward.

So what does thriving look like?  For me, one of the key pieces is that it is multi-dimensional.  In the last year or so at my job, I would sometimes teasingly say that all I did was work and recover from work.  (Yet another hint that something was wrong.)  This is not thriving.

Thriving means experiencing a sense of fulfillment, growth, and balance in multiple areas of your life. It can include maintaining strong relationships, emotional well-being, physical health, and a sense of purpose while simultaneously staying engaged in work, developing your skills, achieving meaningful goals, and maintaining a healthy work-life balance.

It’s not just surviving or going through the motions but feeling energized, challenged, and supported in all areas of life.  That was no longer happening for me where I was.

So, now several months later, how would I assess my thrive level?  Well, I’m definitely headed in the right direction!  I feel a million times healthier both mentally and physically than I did in May and I feel more engaged in work than I have in years as I’m getting my business off the ground.  But, there are still areas I’m working on -- specifically, cultivating more in-person relationships and doing more creative projects.  So, a work in progress!

How about you?  Are you thriving?  If not, what can you start doing now so that you will be in one year?


Want to live longer? Focus on this!


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